Solving Puppet Errors

The purpose of this document is to help solve puppet errors.

Error: Syntax error

err: Could not parse for environment production: Syntax error at 'ensure'; expected '}' at /opt/git/puppet/modules/bashrc/manifests/init.pp:18 err: Try 'puppet help parser validate' for usage

Try this: puppet parser validate /opt/git/puppet/modules/bashrc/manifests/init.pp

Error: dnsdomainname: Unknown host

[root@ip-10-0-5-101 bashrc]# puppet help validate dnsdomainname: Unknown host

Fix it by making your DNS (e.g., hosts file) actually resolve your IP ( to the hostname you wish: localhost localhost.localdomain reellio-com01

Error: Certificate mismatch

Sample error message

Could not request certificate: Retrieved certificate does not match private key; please remove certificate from server and regenerate it with the current key

Error cause

The puppet master signed a key for a host with the same hostname or IP previously. The error can happen after running Puppet for the first time with "puppet agent --no-daemonize --onetime --logdest console" for example.

Error resolution

    1. On the master

  1. puppetca --clean <hostname>

  2. puppetca --clean <hostname>

    1. Yes, do it again.

    2. On the client

  3. rm -rf /var/lib/puppet/ssl/

  4. puppet agent --no-daemonize --onetime --logdest console
