

tar -xvf <filename>.tar.gz tar -xvzf file.tgz tar -jxvf <filename>.tar.bz2 gunzip <filename>.gz

Extract with dual-path tar -C /path/to/dest/dir/ -xf /path/to/source/file.tar.gz


tar -cvzf dest.tgz /path/to/source/dir gzip filename

Store tar -cvf dest.tgz /path/to/source/dir

List contents

tar -tvf file.tar tar -ztvf file.tar.gz tar -jtvf file.tar.bz2

Appendix A: parameters

t...............List the contents of an archive v...............Verbosely list files processed (display detailed information) z...............Filter the archive through gzip so that we can open compressed (decompress) .gz tar file j...............Filter archive through bzip2, use to decompress .bz2 files. f filename......Use archive file called filename
