Make swap
The purpose of this document is to explain how to create a swap file on an existing partition.
Multiply the number of blocks per MB (1024) by the number of MBs desired (8192 in this case) to get the count: 8388608
count=$(expr 8192 * 1024) && dd if=/dev/zero of="${swap_file}" bs=1024 count="${count}"
mkswap "${swap_file}"
swapon "${swap_file}"
vim /etc/fstab
Add this line:
/var/db/os_swap swap swap defaults 0 0
verify with free -m
# free -m total used free shared buffers cached Mem: 14984 14759 225 0 81 8460 -/+ buffers/cache: 6217 8767 Swap: 8191 0 8191